In order to meet broad government goals of improved sustainability, equity, and security, government programs must start at the very beginning with how products and services are procured. The practice of government acquisitions is evolving to meet these focus areas, introducing new requirements for vendors and agencies alike.
A cybersecurity job may feel out of reach for many people. Traditionally, we’ve viewed cybersecurity professionals as highly trained technologists, fully embedded in the tech world. But with approximately 700,000 open cybersecurity positions, there simply are not enough people to meet that description. It’s time to reimagine what a cybersecurity job and a cybersecurity professional…
Learn moreIt’s easy to take computing power for granted when the ability to look up any piece of information we need sits in our pockets each day. But when you explore the world of supercomputing your smartphone looks like an abacus. A supercomputer is one that performs at or near the highest operational rate for computers.…
Learn moreData sharing is critical in every facet of government, from the intelligence community to social services to infrastructure management. The management and response to the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the significant need for enhanced data sharing capabilities across government organizations to enable faster, more well-informed decision-making. With that experience as a catalyst, the healthcare community is…
Learn moreThe Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (Cyber EO) elevated the focus and prioritized action on modernizing how agencies secure their systems and data. This top-down focus was a welcome push as it provided agencies with the confidence to ask for additional funds and budget to accomplish cybersecurity plans that had long been underfunded…
Learn moreWith students heading back to school, it’s a good time to look at how, as professionals, we can extend our learning. Professional development is critical to ensuring you can move forward in your career. With the pace of change in every industry, staying static is simply not an option. Professionals have to stay on top…
Learn moreWhile some claim that Artificial Intelligence (AI) ensures students will never have to write another paper again when they can just ChatGPT an essay, education professionals are embracing AI to provide new learning opportunities for students and teachers alike. AI as Teacher’s Pet Technology plays a huge role in how teachers teach and communicate with…
Learn moreFor decades, science fiction movies stoked fears that "machines will replace people." With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the fear moved off the screen and into the workplace. The reality is this fear is largely unfounded, but AI is having a tremendous impact on how we work. AI technology allows machines to do what…
Learn moreThe pandemic exposed a number of issues in how health and regulatory agencies access and share data in support of public health. Under emergency measures, government agencies were granted new authorities to expand data sharing throughout the public health domain. While many of those expired with the lifting of the public health emergency orders in…
Learn moreData helps drive business decisions and better target marketing and sales efforts. As such, data is referred to as the new currency of business. For government agencies, data is valuable for improving how they serve their citizens. With this in mind, it makes sense to prioritize data literacy just as we’ve focused on financial literacy…
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