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Overview of Blockchain for Trade

The UN/CEFACT Blockchain White Paper Project oversaw the preparation of two White Papers. The first, which looks at Blockchains’ impact on the technical standards work of UN/CEFACT, has been published (ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2019/8). This is an update of the second White Paper, which looks at how Blockchain technology could be used to facilitate trade and related business processes. In this updated version, you find potential uses of Blockchain in different sectors in the second part of the paper. The Briefing Note on how Blockchain technology could be used to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (ECE/TRADE/C/CEFACT/2018/25) is being updated to include further examples. This work is also accompanied by a repository of case studies on Blockchain.

As described further below, the term “Blockchain” is being used throughout this document, although it could be interchanged with the term Distributed Ledger Technology. There are distributed ledger technologies that are not Blockchains, but at the time of publication, they are even newer and less tested than Blockchain technologies, so they are not discussed here.

  • Author(s):
  • The United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business
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Overview of Blockchain for Trade
  • White Paper
Published:September 1, 2019
License:Public Domain

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