Climate scientists anticipate that 2023 could be one of the hottest years on record since data keeping officially began in 1850. The formation of an El Nino is an exacerbating factor, as it drives warmer land and sea surface temperatures in some parts of the world.
This report explores the significance of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle and climate change more broadly, as the frequency and severity of wildfires grow. It considers how changing land-use patterns, in particular the encroachment of human activity into natural wildland spaces, and stretched fire suppression resources, are heightening the rist and exposure.
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Website: | Visit Publisher Website |
Publisher: | Gallagher Insurance, Risk Management, and Consulting |
Published: | July 1, 2023 |
License: | Copyrighted |
Copyright: | © 2023 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co |